North Carolina Chapter

International Association of Arson Investigators

27th Annual Fire Investigative Approaches Training Seminar

October 21-25, 2024

Hosted by
North Carolina Chapter & South Carolina Chapter
The International Association of Arson Investigators

Kingston Resorts

Myrtle Beach, SC

Conference Registration

Registration is not yet available.

Hotel Reservations

Hote information is not yet available.


A photography contest will be held for registered seminar participants. There will be three categories judged: ARSON FIRE PHOTOS, ACCIDENTAL FIRE PHOTOS, and GENERAL FIRE PHOTOS. The Photography Committee will choose the winners.

FIRST PLACE winners in each category will be announced at the conference banquet and receive a $100.00 award.

CONTEST RULES: No framed or mounted photos. No prints larger than 8 ½” X 11” or smaller than 4” X 6”. Absolutely, no writing or markings on photo. Entry form must be filled out for each photo upon submission at conference. Maximum of two photos per person, per category. Photos will become part of the seminar photo album and may be used in future training programs. Photos may not have been entered in any prior IAAI photo contest. Photo must have been taken by the person entering it. All photos must be submitted by the closing of the conference registration on Monday. No mail-ins will be accepted.

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